File Formats Documentation

Interactive Panorama Viewer uses two different types of configuration files: a panorama project configuration and a scene configuration. Those two file types are explained here in detail.

Panorama Projects

A paonorma project file typically has the extension .panorama. Every compilation of panorama images has exactly one panorama project file. This file specifies some global settings and points to the very first scene file. The file contains one attribute/value pair per line (very similar to windows .ini files).

Attribute Description
Default Target File name of the very first scene that will be loaded when opening the project.
H-Rotation The horizontal rotation of the viewer that will be set when loading the first scene.
V-Rotation The vertical rotation of the viewer that will be set when loading the first scene.
Slices The number of slices that will be used to render the cylinder. This value has to be a power of 2 (example: 64).
Fading Time Time (in seconds) a fading between two scenes will take.
Fading Color The color used to fade between two scenes.
Fullscreen A boolean value indicating if the application should start up in full screen mode. 1 = full screen; 0 = windowed mode
Fullscreen X-Resolution Horizontal display resolution when using full screen mode.
Fullscreen Y-Resolution Vertical display resolution when using full screen mode.
Fullscreen Bit Depth Color depth for fullscreen mode. If set to -1 a color depth will be chosen automatically.
Fullscreen Refresh Rate Refresh rate for fullscreen mode. If set to -1 a refresh rate will be chosen automatically.
Window Width Width of the main window (if not in fullscreen mode).
Height Width Height of the main window (if not in fullscreen mode).

Scene Configurations

A scene configuration file typically has the extension .scene. It contains all configurations for one single panorama image. The syntax is the same as for the project files.
Attribute Description
Image File name of the panorama image. Supported file formats are JPEG and PNG. The image size has to be a power of 2 (example: 1024x512 pixel). If your image has a different size you can stretch it and then remove contortions with the "Original Width" and "Original Height" parameter.
Original Width If the image has been stretched to obtain a size that matches a power of 2 then this parameter needs to contain the width the image had before stretching, to remove contortions. If the image hasn't been streched you need to set this attribute to the actual width of your image.
Original Height Same as Original Width but for the image height.
Vertical Viewing Angle The vertical dihedral angle of the field of view. (smaller values zoom in / larger values zoom out)
Links The number of links that are contained in this scene.
Link[n] Target File name of the target scene. Replace [n] with the number of the current link, starting with 1.
Link[n] H-Angle Horizontal angle of the link center.
Link[n] V-Angle Vertical angle of the link center.
Link[n] H-Delta Width of the link (in degrees).
Link[n] V-Delta Height of the link (in degrees).
Link[n] H-Rotation Horizontal rotation of the viewer when entering the new scene.
Link[n] V-Rotation Vertical rotation of the viewer when entering the new scene.
Sounds Number of sound sources in this scene.
Sound[n] File File name of the audio file. Replace [n] with then number of the current sound source, starting with 1. Audio file should be in mono format, or they will be treated as background sounds. Supported file formats are: OGG and WAV.
Sound[n] H-Angle Horizontal angle of the sound source position (if it isn't a background sound).
Sound[n] V-Angle Vertical angle of the sound source position (if it isn't a background sound).
Sound[n] Background A boolean value indicating if this is a background sound (i.e. the sound source has the same position as the viewer).
Sound[n] Volume The volume of the sound source. If you set this value to 1.0 the sound will be played with it's original volume. Values larger than 1.0 are possible.
Sound[n] Looping A boolean value indicating if the sound should be looped.

Calculating angles

Calculating the horizontal angles is very trivial: the leftmost pixel has the angle 0°, the rightmost pixel has the angle 360° and scale is linear.

Calculating the vertical angles is rather complex because the scale isn't linear. To calculate the vertical angles (and also the horizontal angles) you can use the excel sheet that comes with the application.